FY25 State Budget » Business Chamber Queensland

FY25 Budget | Analysis for Queensland Businesses

The 2024–25 Queensland Budget delivered a strong cost of living focus, with a record $11.218 billion in concessions to households.  Significant investment has also been made in infrastructure through the Big Build with over $107.262 billion worth of infrastructure investment over the next four years to meet the needs of a growing population.

The State Budget provided for some measures to support businesses, and these are welcomed.  However, for Queensland businesses, this year’s State Budget was a missed opportunity to provide genuine and direct relief to Queensland businesses who are struggling with day-to-day operating challenges, and it did not lay the foundations for long-term business confidence.

The State Budget provided some measures for businesses – energy rebates of $650, a temporary freeze on government fees and charges and registration discounts on some vehicles – and these measures are all welcomed.

Business Chamber Queensland also acknowledges the initiatives in the Small Business Strategy which was released earlier in 2024 and we’re looking for more details on how businesses of all sizes can benefit from infrastructure projects in the Big Build.

But these measures don’t alleviate the increasing, compounding and persistent business pressures being felt every day nor do they provide long-term and systematic economic reform.

Business Chamber Queensland is committed to advocating for Queensland businesses to ensure they are supported to manage day-today and thrive long term.

See the State Budget analysis for Queensland businesses below.

State Budget FY25 key priorities

Our recommendations are reflective of Queensland businesses’ wants and needs.


Business friendly governments Reducing regulatory burden
Operating cost relief
Reducing payment timeframes
Supporting employers to grow workforces
Productivity and resilience Investment in connectivity, business-enabling infrastructure and housing
Enabling business resilience
Future success My Games Plan Tool
Business-led program delivery Workforce Evolve
My Gams Plan Tool
Digital/ Cyber Resilience
ESG Fundamentals Training

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Budget numbers
2024–25 Queensland Budget
For business
Business Measures
Energy Rebate
Light Vehicle Registration Discount
Payroll Tax Rebate for Apprentices
Business Taxation
Big Build
Small Business Strategy
Missed Opportunities
Relief from historically high operating costs
Reducing Regulatory Burden
Reducing payment timeframes and improving on-time payments
Building productivity and resilience
Business resilience
Future success
Queensland’s Economic Outlook
Fiscal Position
Queensland's Economy

State Budget Reply

The State Opposition has provided its Budget Reply speech.  We acknowledge several  measures in the Opposition’s Reply speech which relate to business., In particular, we welcome their commitment to reduce government payment times with an  On-Time, Every-Time Payment Guarantee which commits to payment times of 5-business day terms for small and family businesses and immediate payments for invoices under $10,000. A similar measure was specifically called for in our pre-budget submission and we’re pleased the opposition has adopted this proposal.

Further to this, proposed simplified procurement process with standardised contracts, smaller tender amounts and streamlined tender processes to make government tenders accessible to small businesses is also a positive announcement.

Additionally, the proposal for a New Small and Family Business Innovation Pathway to directly engage Queensland small and family businesses for short-term initiatives up to $1 million, to solve specific problems or improve government service delivery, trying new and in innovative ideas is welcomed. A key pillar in our advocacy efforts is to emphasise the importance of co-designing solutions and this initiative is also welcomed.

However, we also note a lack of new cost of doing business relief mechanisms announced by the Opposition but acknowledge the Opposition’s support of the temporary $650 energy rebate to eligible small businesses and support for other cost of living relief measures.


Businesses wanted to see a business-friendly State Budget. We advocated for funding to support a broad range of initiatives to foster an environment that gives every business, in every industry, across every part of the state, the confidence they need to invest in the future and thrive.

This State Budget falls short.

We will continue to proactively advocate on behalf of the Queensland business community to relieve the current day-to-day pressures of doing business, while driving long-term systemic reform.

There is enormous opportunity ahead in our state, particularly as we look towards 2032 and beyond.  It is our objective to ensure that every Queensland business has the right business environment to be able to thrive.